Saurkraut comes from German words meaning “Acrid Cabbage” which could be a result of lacto fermentation of cabbage in brine water. The most excellent known source of Vitamin C among prevalent nourishment it could be a staple in protein wealthy European Cooking. Wieners and Sauerkraut may well be the National nourishment for numerous Eastern. They come in numerous varieties.
Although fermentation has been going on for thousands of years, sauerkraut became well-known in the 1700s when Captain Cook’s crew managed to survive the whole sea voyage without suffering a single case of scurvy due to a lack of vitamin C. Some would even refer to sauerkraut as the factor that allowed ships to travel farther.As a result, sauerkraut gained popularity both domestically and abroad.

Improves gut health and immunity | |||
Reduces bloating, indigeston, acidity etc | |||
increases vitamin B12 and C | |||
Improves skin, nail, hair growth and quality | |||
Detoxifies the liver and blood | |||
Helps prevet cancer and aging. |
Before meals as a probiotic | |||
Can be used as sides to any meal. | |||
An accompanyment to beverages. | |||
As Snack topping on chips and toast | |||
can be used to make sauerkraut sides. | |||
In salad mixes and sandwiches |
Extremely low calories. | |||
All organic ingredients | |||
Raw & Unpasteurized | |||
Available around the season | |||
Vegan friendly & Lactose free |